
Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday May 9 - Many Happenings Today....

Today was an unusual day for photos.  I was up with the sunrise and thought I was done for the day with my photo of the day.  I found as the day went on that there were a couple more photos I wanted to add to my day.  So here are a few photos of the day...thanks for putting up with more than one today.

We live on the west side of the island.  This means we ge tto see wonderful sunsets each day.  Today was different though.  We were on the east side of the island, so I made sure I was up for sunrise.  I just had to see the sunrise as it came up from the ocean instead of it setting into the sea.  I love mornings - the quiet, the slowly wakening of the day, the coolness of the air and just the peace all around.  This morning was no exception to that.  I was able to see the sunrise while listening to the waves of the Atlantic Ocean break.  It was a great way to start the day.

So of course the heat is on here as it is May and this is a hot time of the year on Dominica.  By the end of the day we decided to go to the beach and cool down.  I always bring my water proof camera as you never know what you will see or what could happen at the beach. 

As we were swimming, seaweed starting drifting into shore.  Seaweed at this beach is rare.  On closer insepction, we realized there were small fish (and crabs0 swimming with the seaweed.  I was able to get this shot of one of the fish.  I am sure this has happened before but we had never seen it before while we have been swimming there.  It was fun to watch the small fish try to stay with the seaweed so they wouldn't become dinner for the pelicans!

So we made it home today and are now back on the west side - so that means sunset!  This was the end of the day with these colors coming to life as the sun set.  This was a very nice ending to a fun day of lots of nature and surprises.  I am grateful I was able to see the sun rise out of the Atlantic Ocean and see it set in the Caribbean Sea.  What adventures are waiting for tomorrow?

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